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Analog, Digital, and VOIP Solutions

Adept Communications believes that the telephone is the first point of contact your customers will have with your business. A perfect designed phone system can enhance customer service, increase proficiency, reduce staff turnover and frustration and even help grow your business by increasing productivity. On the other hand, a poorly designed system can be difficult to operate and manage, give a substandard first impression, productivity loss, and lead to ongoing costs. When purchasing a business phone system you want to be certain that your service company employs qualified phone system installers, follows all codes and understands every aspect of the procedure. Adept Communication’s technician’s posses a minimum of 5 years experience of Norstar Installations. Our friendly phone techs can connect your business with voice communications quickly and effectively, even while you are out of the office if this is most convenient for you. We test all equipment and certify all cable when we are finished, so you are guaranteed that your new phone system will work for years to come.


For Multi-site locations, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) is just what the Doctor ordered! Say "Good Bye" to escalating Long Distance Phone Costs and Hello to VOIP. Please contact Adept Communications to discuss your new VOIP Phone System Options, Adept Communications welcomes you to the latest technology of doing business.


The best telephone system for your company is the one that delivers the most value, based on your specific and unique needs. It offers features and functions that will help save time, build customer relationships and increase revenues. Adept Communications wants you to get the features that your business will actually use, and get everything you need at a fair price.


The good news is that — no matter what your situation or size, Adept Communications has a business telephone system that fits your needs perfectly. There are some basic phone system features that virtually every business today expects: voice mail, phones with displays and programmable keys, and park/hold/transfer. The ability to capture name-and-number Caller ID on every call for instant redial, and "attaching" the Caller ID information to the message, even if forwarded to other extensions.


Here are a few more features:

The ability to greet callers with an automated attendant and route calls to the desired department or extension quickly and efficiently.

The ability to instantly record a live conversation by pressing a single key.
The ability to have your important calls automatically forwarded to you wherever you go — to a different office, a cell phone, to your home, anywhere.
The ability to use the Internet as an alternative to traditional phone lines for office-to-office connections and to support your fellow co-workers.

VoIP / Internet voice
VoIP enables the user to place calls over a data network. The signal is converted from an analog voice to a digital signal and travels over the Internet. Once the signal reaches the other end, it is converted back to analog. Anyone with a regular phone number can be reached, and the call can be placed in the same way it had always been with the use of a VoIP phone and an adapter. Calls can also be placed directly through the computer using a traditional telephone or microphone.

Equipment requirements for VoIP service
A high speed Internet or broadband connection is needed. This can be through a high speed DSL, local network or a cable modem. You will also need a modem and a phone adapter as well as a phone or microphone.

Local versus long distance
Some providers have free services, but this may only be to other service subscribers. The cost for long distance calls depends on the VoIP service provider. Some will bill long distance calls similar to a traditional analog line, by charging for calls outside of the service area. Other service providers charge one flat rate, to anywhere.
The caller could be allowed to select an area code that is different than where they reside. The subscriber might not be billed for long distance charges if the call is placed to that area code, regardless of where they are located. Depending on the area code and service, people calling in may incur long distance charges.

Internet Voice services
Internet Voice services could allow you to only call other subscribers or you may be able to call anyone in the world. International, long distance, cell phone and local numbers can be reached. Conference calls can easily be placed, with only a phone.


Advantages of Internet Voice
Several features and services are available, since the line is digital instead of analog. An additional phone line to place telephone calls is no longer necessary, saving cost and maintenance. Conference calls can be placed without any additional cost. Anyone in the world can be reached for any length of time, as long as the other person has an Internet connection. Contacts, notes, calls, can all be managed through the computer.

Disadvantages of Internet Voice
During power outages, the service provider may not offer backup power, so the phone line may not work. The location of the VoIP call may not be identifiable, making 911 calls harder to dispatch. White page listings sometimes are not available.

Computer usage
While working on the computer, calls can still be placed and received like any other call. Using a phone adaptor and a VoIP phone, the computer does not have to be turned on, but a high speed Internet connection must be available. The phone adapter can be used when traveling as long as a high speed Internet connection is available. It would work the same as if calling from home or work.


FCC VoIP regulations

The FCC does not regulate the Internet or services provided through it. An FCC Internet Policy Working Group has been identified to address the issues surrounding telecommunications services.​

We provide business telephony systems that fit your needs perfectly.

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